Our Sustainability Pledge
Melke is committed to building a brand that is all-natural, eco-friendly, and plastic-free.
It is up to us to be the change we want to see, and at Melke we guarantee that every material, every garment, has been carefully thought through.
We believe that the true path to sustainability is working in harmony with the planet and the materials she provides. Each decision we make advances that mission. When starting Melke, we knew that we wanted to create a brand that was sustainable. However, for us the word “sustainability” takes many different forms. Sustainability for us envelops not just the environment, but social and economic sustainability. As a child, our founder, Emma, was exposed to the issue of human trafficking via family work to combat it. Countless factory workers are exploited time and time again for the skills the provide. Emma knew she wanted to fight this exploitation, in a way that utilized her unique strengths and talents, by focusing on valuing and uplifting the workforce that is the beating heart of the apparel industry. As she studied design in college and continued to pursue her passion of combating human trafficking, Emma knew she could do that by defending those who make our clothing, and could work to ensure they receive the human rights they deserve. She realized that even if garment workers are paid a living wage, it won’t help them if the harsh chemicals and dangerous substances they work with shorten their lives.
Sustainability is three pronged. In order to be truly sustainable, a brand must do more than recycle. It must fight for economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
Melke is working to ensure that every material we use comes from Mother Nature and can return to her without creating any harm. As a tangible demonstration of this commitment, we are also working towards several formal sustainability certifications.. At this time, all of our dyes are natural, and each material is sustainable. Our goal is to be 100% plastic free, and that even includes recycled plastic.
It is up to us to be the change we want to see, and at Melke we guarantee that every material, every garment, has been carefully thought through.
We believe that the true path to sustainability is working in harmony with the planet and the materials she provides. Each decision we make advances that mission. When starting Melke, we knew that we wanted to create a brand that was sustainable. However, for us the word “sustainability” takes many different forms. Sustainability for us envelops not just the environment, but social and economic sustainability. As a child, our founder, Emma, was exposed to the issue of human trafficking via family work to combat it. Countless factory workers are exploited time and time again for the skills the provide. Emma knew she wanted to fight this exploitation, in a way that utilized her unique strengths and talents, by focusing on valuing and uplifting the workforce that is the beating heart of the apparel industry. As she studied design in college and continued to pursue her passion of combating human trafficking, Emma knew she could do that by defending those who make our clothing, and could work to ensure they receive the human rights they deserve. She realized that even if garment workers are paid a living wage, it won’t help them if the harsh chemicals and dangerous substances they work with shorten their lives.
Sustainability is three pronged. In order to be truly sustainable, a brand must do more than recycle. It must fight for economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
Melke is working to ensure that every material we use comes from Mother Nature and can return to her without creating any harm. As a tangible demonstration of this commitment, we are also working towards several formal sustainability certifications.. At this time, all of our dyes are natural, and each material is sustainable. Our goal is to be 100% plastic free, and that even includes recycled plastic.

Honestly, sustainability is tough. It’s a lot of work, but we promise to always try our best, to never cut any corners, and to be fully transparent. Yes, there are easier routes, but that’s greenwashing, and we refuse to create a product that is bad for the planet, garment workers, or you. Things won’t be perfect, and we will be honest about our challenges. No matter what, we will be transparent with you, and work our hardest to ensure this brand meets our holistic standard for sustainability.